CEA Food Bank

As believers in Christ The Lord, we will make every effort to meet the physical, as well as the spiritual needs of those among us in need. Pick up for the food pantry is held on _______________________.

We extend our hands to…

The homeless…
The sick and homebound…
The unemployed…
The elderly and widowed…
All who hunger and thirst…
Missionaries and Churches

Items We Provide:

  • Food- canned and non-perishables
  • Toiletries- soaps, detergents, personal hygiene items
  • Baby supplies- cereals and diapers (no formula)

Missionaries Project

The purpose of the outreach program is to assist in rebuilding a site in Haiti. The church has taken a small section in Haiti and is dedicated in helping reconstruct this area’s schools and churches. Through donations from the CEA parishioners, various families ofHaiti have received monetary donations since after January 2010. The group has future plan to visit Haiti and work hand in hand with the adopted area. The group meets every last Sunday of each month.

Council Evangelical Apostolic